Egor Kharitonov
ZBOSS on CC2530
I've downloaded ZBOSS firmware on TI CC2530, like was discribed in tab "Hardware setup", but nothing happen. Does it need in some additional settings from developer's side, to see data exchange between two devices CC2530?
Also, does TI ZigBee Packet Sniffer work with ZBOSS firmware on devices correctly? Because I don't see any incoming packets, maybe devices work correctly, but sniffer doesn't?
Has anybody faced with these problems?
Thanks for answers, best regards, Egor.
RE: ZBOSS on CC2530
Hi Denis, thanks for replying. Indeed, ZB_DEFAULT_APS_CHANNEL_MASK and channel settings in TI packet sniffer were different. Could you tell me what operations sequence should ZBOSS realize by default? I've got only a "beacon request"(from both devices) - "beacon sending" sequence. As I understood, it's a scanning stage.
Also, I would like to know, has GTS support been realized in this project? Thanks for attention.
RE: ZBOSS on CC2530
"But Zigbee doesn't include any time slots interactions..." - Does it mean that ZBOSS doesn't support GTS? And what about beacon-enabled PAN and beacon/superframe orders, like base time intervals of beacons formation and sending period of them? Is only "15" value for both BO and SO allowed? Is there any functions, that count a base superframe duration time or not?
I just wanna to understand how much work have I to realize by myself.
RE: ZBOSS on CC2530
Denis Akopov wrote:
Yes, ZBOSS is a Zigbee stack, not 802.15.4, so it doesn't support GTS. Zigbee 2007/PRO is a beaconless network. So, no other BO and SO allowed. Beacons in Zigbee are used only for sending/gathering network information during commissioning.
Where can I read about the parts of IEEE 802.15.4 MAC, which are included and aren't included in ZigBee 2007/Pro?