vasim vohra

Registered on 07/08/2013 • Last connection on 12/29/2013

Required Help for netwrok simulator



can you provide more detailed document for the ZBOSS network simulator. how to use?? how to install ??? and what are the minimum requirements to run Network Simulator with the help of example how to use the same.


thank you.


RE: Required Help for netwrok simulator

hello sir,


thank you for reply. i have tried to build the source code form the source ZBOSS_V1.0_src.


where i found i file, and i am able to execute all the commands given in that file .


Short build instructions:


a) Linux


ln -s build-configurations/Platform-linux Platform


ln -s build-configurations/Options-linux-debug Options


make rebuild


make tags


b) 8051 using SDCC


ln -s build-configurations/Platform-8051 Platform


ln -s build-configurations/Options-8051-sim-debug Options


make rebuild


make tags


Call doxygen from the root to generate documentation.


c) Linux/ARM


ln -s build-configurations/Platform-linux-arm Platform


ln -s build-configurations/Options-linux-arm-debug Options


but when i execute make tags it give follwing massage


(find . -name \*.[ch] -print) | grep -v ".*~" | etags -


/bin/sh: 1: etags: not found


make: *** [tags] Error 127


from another source ZBOSS_ns_bin/examples. i am able to run file and it generates log files and dump file respectively. and it runs for ZC and ZR but i was not able to add ZE successfully to


it would be very useful to me if you can provide any detailed document with step by step installation as well as use of the same with list of dependencies.


thank you for your support.




vasim vohra