ZBOOS schematic diagram

11 years ago
  •  Denis Krasutski

Hi guys,


I want to port ZBOSS on STM32F4 with CC2520


You can provide structure or layer schema for fully understand hierarchy ZBOSS?




Kind Regards,


Krasutski Denis


Replies (1)

RE: ZBOOS schematic diagram

Hello Denis


please refer this page to get more information about ZBOSS architecture:




ZBOSS source file structure is intuitive-clear, the main folders are


osif - OS/platfrom dependent functions implementation


mac - MAC layer


nwk - Network layer


aps, zdo - APS and ZDO respectivly


secur - security features


common - some commonly used utilities


include - headers


To support new platform (MCU and transport in your case) you need to modify transport related API (ZB_TRANS_SEND_COMMAND for example) and peripheral-related functions (timer, serial, nvram, etc.)


Mainly all the modifications will be localized in osif and mac folders