Start up test
I am starting with Zboos Network Simulator. I am trying to execute the start up test, I run the but I got an error: line 96: zdo_zc file or directory not found. What can I do? I don't know if I am missing some step. I just run the file to see what happens.
Thank you
Replies (3)
RE: Start up test
Soryy, the libpcap-dev was not installed right
RE: Start up test
I get this error while building
dump_converter.c:71:23: fatal error: pcap/pcap.h: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type
compilation terminated.
I installed libcap-dev, g++ and libxml2-dev
RE: Start up test
Hello Isabel,
Looks like you are trying to run precompiled binaries from "ZBOSS Network simulator for Ubuntu 12.04 32-bit" package.
This issue may occur when your host system is x86-64. To avoid this, please try to download full sources ("ZBOSS v1.0 source code as a single zip"), and compile it with
ln -s build-configurations/Options-linux-debug Options
ln -s build-configurations/Platform-linux Platform
make rebuild
Also it may be needed to additionally install libpcap-dev, g++ and libxml2-dev (if not installed).
After the successful compilation, try to run tests/zdo_startup test (this is the same example as you are trying to run).