Stack compilation for 8051
When I try to compile the stack for CC2530 TI evaluation board
I have the following error:
051F120 -DZB_NS_BUILD -DZB_ED_ROLE -DZB_LIMITED_FEATURES -DZB_LIMITED_FEATURES2 -DZB_TRACE_LEVEL=1 -DZB_TRACE_MASK=-1 -I../../osif/include -I../../include -I/usr/share/sdcc/include -I../.. -o zb_mac_transport_8051_ser.rel zb_mac_transport_8051_ser.c
zb_mac_transport_8051_ser.c:45: error 26: '_ioctx' not a structure/union member
zb_mac_transport_8051_ser.c:45: error 25: Structure/Union expected left of '.->'
zb_mac_transport_8051_ser.c:46: error 26: '_ioctx' not a structure/union member
zb_mac_transport_8051_ser.c:46: error 25: Structure/Union expected left of '.->'
Replies (6)
RE: Stack compilation for 8051
Ok that working now.
My coordinator board was a rs232 problem...
Tanks a lot,
RE: Stack compilation for 8051
Did you try to sniff the traffic? Can you see beacon request from ZC?
Are you start ED after ZC start complete?
RE: Stack compilation for 8051
Ok I have built the coordinator firmware by enabling the zdo_start_zc.c file
It seem to run properly because the function zb_zdo_startup_complete is called.
I have built the ED firmware by enabling the zdo_start_ze.c file and by setting the
precompliation constant ZB_ED_ROLE. But the function zb_zdo_startup_complete is not called.
I'm looking for a solution...
RE: Stack compilation for 8051
Open workspace zigbee_iar.eww by IAR and compile. It will build test zdo_start_sec_zc by default.
RE: Stack compilation for 8051
So I have to create a new Option file (for the IAR compiler) in the build-configurations folder?
Or I use the IAR workbench project?
RE: Stack compilation for 8051
You use sdcc to compile for TI device. It is impossible to use sdcc to work with TI HW (well, it is impossible to use sdcc at all because it produces 3-4 times bigger code). You must use same IAR version that TI uses for their ZStack.