ZBOSS Sniffer

a year ago

Q: I'm working on Zigbee Sniffing with your soft ZBOSS Sniffer. I would like to know if you are expecting to release some firmware to use with ZBOSS Sniffer for theses products (which are compatible on your website ZBOSS) :

  • ONSemi STR-NCS36510-ZB-EH-1-GEVK
  • Qorvo QPG6095
  • Nordic nRF52833

Replies (2)

RE: ZBOSS Sniffer

Sniffer product development is driven by ZOI members that specific and help fund its development. If you don't know much about ZOI, check it out here.

As of now, the Sniffer roadmap does not have most of the semi-conductor ecosystems in the plans (other than part of uncommitted backlog).

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RE: ZBOSS Sniffer

Or, if you are not releasing theses firmwares, how to get them ?