error while compliling zboss stack

12 years ago
  •  kiran nayak



while compiling the zboss stack i am getting thousands of below errors


Error[Pe167]: argument of type "char *" is incompatible with parameter of type "char __code *"


all errors are targeting to th line


TRACE_MSG( ... ) line in various files ..


if i turn off ZB_TRACE_LEVEL=2 then it will compile successfully


pls tell me how i can solve this ?


thank u


Replies (2)

RE: error while compliling zboss stack



i am using IAR 8.10 compiler and it is for cc2530 soc


actually i created my own project and used all your source files under it


all the setting related to compiler, linker etc are as per your project


RE: error while compliling zboss stack



Please provide more details about your environment and target.


What compiler are you using? What Platform and Options files (or what project file)?