Firmware OTA Server

The role-based, over-the-air firmware upgrade server from DSR is the full solution for managing the process for upgrading firmware in connected devices. This secure tool helps prepare, control and analyze the firmware upgrade process. DSR's Firmware OTA Server controls the releases, supports batches testing, debug and delivers real-time monitoring for your IoT devices.

Who Should Use the Firmware OTA Server

Firmware Upgrade solution to support your entire device firmware upgrade cycle:

Test and Development Teams

  • Support your test and development teams with batch release and debug capability for new feature development and updates
  • Upload and test intermediate versions before planning a mass update

DevOps and System Administrators

  • Manage risks of firmware upgrade deployment with customizable rules and ability to define multiple waves for deployment
  • Real-time notifications alert of any issues, so they can be corrected quickly without bricking your fleet of devices
  • Stop problematic updates with a single click

Support and Analysts

  • See the real-time device status and information
  • Quickly understand problems with the full audit trail and error history
  • Deploy targeted fixes


  • Real-time dashboard to understand adoption and status


Test New Features Before Mass Deployment

  • QA and development teams can test and debug feature updates on a small group of devices group(s) of devices prior to making mass updates
  • Organize devices into waves for deployment to minimize
  • Troubleshoot upgrade problems

Add New Features with Ease

  • Batch your updates to minimize risks and ensure smooth firmware upgrade rollout
  • Continuously add new features to your devices to meet the latest market needs
  • Define rules for automating the upgrade process

Complete Audit Trail and Real-Time Monitoring

  • Whether you use the Firmware OTA Server for your own ecosystem or support a number of clients, the flexible multi-tenant model provides device update and status to all levels of stakeholders
  • Understand release adoption with the full audit trail that shows which devices requested, downloaded, upgraded or ran into problems
  • Full reporting delivers easily digestible update statistics and dashboards
  • Automated notifications for real-time monitoring of updates


The Firmware OTA Server consists of two components: the Firmware Upgrade Server and Firmware Upgrade Portal.

Firmware Upgrade Server - Backend responsible for securely delivering updates to connected device firmware

  • Stores new firmwares for connected IoT devices
  • Defines and manages upgrade rules
  • Delivers firmware upgrade to a device based on defined rules
  • Supports requests from devices for a firmware upgrade
  • Supports upgrade waves to split devices into groups that can be easily managed and monitored

Firmware Upgrade Portal - Web and role based portal that delivers complete management of your firmware upgrade process

  • Role-based access to the needed upgrade information, with permissions synchronized via LDAP
  • Multi-tenant architecture can support multiple clients (ecosystems, deployment sites) with one server
  • Dashboard with detailed reports and control functions to support every stage of your firmware upgrade (testing, debug, deployment and support)
  • Complete audit trail with status and history of firmware upgrades
  • Statistics for reporting and analysis